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20% savings on Latin titles and the Roman Missal, Third Edition – through October 17, 2023! ~ includes Liturgia Horarum, Missale Romanum (Altar and Chapel), Roman Missal (Regal and Classic) please visit: www.theologicalforum.org/Category/127/20

*** *** *** Code of Canon Law Annotated, 4th edition – New!

— Edited by Most Rev. Juan Ignacio Arrieta, the new “Red Code” includes the texts and commentaries of the newly revised Book VI of the Code of Canon Law. — Features of the 4th Edition: * Commentary on every canon * Latin text and its English translation in double column format * Four appendices

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Missale Romanum, Chapel Edition (Latin) — Editio iuxta typicam tertiam emendatam (2008) — Durable faux leather cover; Smyth-sewn binding — Full-color illustrations, ribbon markers and tabs Please visit: www.theologicalforum.org (Livestream of the Ordinary Form in Latin at www.cantius.org)