*** *** *** More than 50 years ago, Saint Paul VI observed the rise of secularism, and predicted the effects it would have on family and the human soul. He wrote seven encyclicals, including Mysterium Fidei (on the Holy Eucharist), and Humanae Vitae (on the value of human life).

— “For you deal here above all with human life, and human life is sacred; no one may dare make an attempt upon it. Respect for life… must find here in your Assembly its highest affirmation and its most rational defense.” — “Physics does not change the nature of the world it studies, and no […]

*** *** *** St. Augustine of Canterbury (d. 604/605) was the respected prior of the monastery of St. Andrew in Rome when he was sent by St. Gregory the Great to lead a group of missionary monks to Anglo-Saxon England. Although Christian missionaries had preached there years before, the invading tribes forced a number of Christians west and into hiding. In time, Augustine’s mission would be prosperous. King Aethelbert of Kent allowed the group to preach, and eventually, the King and many of his people converted, to set the future course of Christianity in Britain.

— Known as “Apostle to the English,” St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury in 597. (not to be confused with St. Augustine of Hippo (354-430), author of “Confessions” and “City of God”)

*** *** *** Born in England, St. Bede (d. 735) was a priest, monk, theologian, and historian. At the Benedictine Monastery, Bede was “the most observant and happiest of all monks.” He had a passion for learning, writing, and teaching and composed many works of his own, including commentaries on Scripture. His classic title, “Ecclesiastical History of the English People,” is considered one of the best sources for early English history. Because of Bede’s holiness and extraordinary intellect, soon after his death he became known as “Venerable Bede,” a title that would continue through centuries.

— Also on the calendar today as Optional Memorial: -Saint Gregory VII, Pope -Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, Virgin

*** *** *** Celebrated on the Monday following Pentecost, this Feast was established in 2018 by Pope Francis on the 160th anniversary of the Lourdes apparition.

~ Saint John Paul II: “Mary is present in the Church as the Mother of Christ… Thanks to this special bond linking the Mother of Christ with the Church, there is further clarified the mystery of that ‘woman’ who, from the first chapters of the Book of Genesis until the Book of Revelation, accompanies the […]

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~ During the papal reign of St. John (d.526), Italy was ruled by King Theodoric, an ardent defender of Arianism. The King sent John as his delegate to Emperor Justin in Constantinople, to moderate the emperor’s decree against the Arians. The King threatened that if the mission failed, there would be retribution against the non-Arian […]

*** *** *** Born in Madrid, St. Isidore (1070–1130) was a farm laborer for most of his life, employed by a wealthy landowner in Spain. He is remembered for his piety, his love for the poor, and also how he cared for animals. In his humble life, St. Isidore was not a scholar, nor a religious. Yet, he is revered among the greatest of saints. In 1622, Pope Gregory XV canonized St. Isidore along with Francis Xavier, Ignatius of Loyola, Teresa of Avila, and Philip Neri.

~ “Lord God, to whom belongs all creation, and who call us to serve you by caring for the gifts that surround us, inspire us by the example of Saint Isidore to share our food with the hungry and to work for the salvation of all people. Through our Lord Jesus Christ.” ~ from the […]

*** *** *** The Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker was instituted in 1955 by Pope Pius XII and is celebrated on May 1, which corresponds to the day labor is honored in many countries.

~ Saint Joseph, carpenter and foster father of Jesus, is an exemplary model for us. All human labor can be sanctified, which in turn can sanctify oneself and others, making each of the faithful a participant in Christ’s work of redemption. ~ “O God, Creator of all things, who laid down for the human race […]