*** *** *** Born in England, St. Bede (d. 735) was a priest, monk, theologian, and historian. At the Benedictine Monastery, Bede was “the most observant and happiest of all monks.” He had a passion for learning, writing, and teaching and composed many works of his own, including commentaries on Scripture. His classic title, “Ecclesiastical History of the English People,” is considered one of the best sources for early English history. Because of Bede’s holiness and extraordinary intellect, soon after his death he became known as “Venerable Bede,” a title that would continue through centuries.

— Also on the calendar today as Optional Memorial: -Saint Gregory VII, Pope -Saint Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi, Virgin

*** *** *** “Then they prayed, ‘You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this apostolic ministry from which Judas turned away to go to his own place.’ Then they gave lots to them, and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was counted with the eleven apostles.” (Acts 1:24-26) ~ from the Didache Bible

~ We honor St. Matthias, the disciple who replaced Judas. After the Ascension of Christ, St. Peter proposed that an apostle be chosen to fill the place of Judas. St. Peter had a requirement in choosing the new apostle: someone that followed Jesus from the beginning of his public ministry and witnessed the Resurrection firsthand. […]

*** *** *** “Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. While he blessed them, he parted from them and was carried up into heaven. And they worshiped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the temple blessing God.” (Lk 24:50-53)

— The Ecclesiastical Provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Omaha, and Philadelphia continue to celebrate the Solemnity of The Ascension of the Lord on Thursday (May 13). — All other U.S. Ecclesiastical Provinces celebrate The Ascension on May 16, the following Sunday.

*** *** *** We remember this great evangelist and martyr. St. Mark spread the Good News on his various missionary journeys with St. Paul, St. Peter, and St. Barnabas. The Gospel of St. Mark emphasizes the miraculous powers of Jesus Christ.

~ “And there went out to him all the country of Judea, and all the people of Jerusalem; and they were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins. Now John was clothed with camel’s hair, and had a leather girdle around his waist, and ate locusts and wild honey. And he preached, […]