What characteristic makes human beings unique among creation?
According to the Catechism, no. 33, in what does a person discover “signs of his spiritual soul”?
Why can a person never truly turn his or her back on God?
How is the natural desire for God reciprocated by the Creator?
What is the simplest example of how human reason allows a person to know something about God’s divine nature?
What can human beings know about God through reason alone?
What did Aristotle mean by the First Cause?
Imagine a friend who argues the existence of God is merely a matter of having faith and, if one does not make a leap of faith, there is no evidence God exists. How would you respond?
How might you respond if someone were to tell you he or she did not believe in God because the universe came into being through a big bang?
Describe St. Thomas Aquinas’ Argument from Governance for the existence of God.
Think of something you have made in the last week; perhaps it was an essay, a drawing, or an athletic accomplishment. How did this object or act reflect something unique to you? What does the correlation between your personality and this creation tell you about the correlation between God and his own creation?
What limitation is there to understanding God purely through the use of human reason, i.e., natural revelation?
How does science restrict reason?
What are the limitations of science with respect to how it relates to God and the supernatural?
Though science concentrates on the workings of the natural world, describe a situation in which the study of science might lead to a greater understanding of the supernatural.
What observable realities must scientism ignore in order to claim one can only have certainty of things that can be proven through experiment?
What is the difference between atheism and agnosticism? Why is each harmful?
Since mankind can come to know the existence of God through reason, what role does Divine Revelation play?
What does Divine Revelation make possible in terms of a person’s relationship with God?
What is the relationship between faith and grace?
How did the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council define culture? What should be the relationship between faith and culture?
What is the difference between a mystery and something that is irrational?
What is the significance of God’s self‑Revelation to mankind through history?
How does mankind’s role in creation differ from the rest of the natural world?
How does God assist people to fulfill this role?
What does it mean to say faith is an assent?
How is faith a foretaste of Heaven?
Explain how faith and theology are related.
In addition to developing personal faith, why is theological formation important?
Is it possible for a person to have faith if he or she does not pray?
Explain how the natural law can lead to faith in God.
Every society in history has been a religious society. What does this indicate about the existence of God?
If moral and divine truths are discernible to the human intellect unaided by faith or grace, how can there be so many different opinions and views about religion and morality?
What does St. Paul’s letter to the Romans indicate about the responsibility that follows from people’s ability to recognize the work of the Creator in his Creation?
Many people in the present age believe all cultures, religions, and philosophies hold equal value; they are simply a matter of cultural circumstance and personal opinion, and everything is relative to one’s perspective. How did St. John Paul II refute this position?
What did St. Augustine describe in his Easter sermon (p. 24)?
What does the excerpt from Gaudium et Spes (p. 25) teach about man’s true identity?