*** *** *** “John the Baptist is ‘more than a prophet.’ In him, the Holy Spirit concludes his speaking through the prophets… John ‘came to bear witness to the light.’ In John’s sight, the Spirit thus brings to completion the careful search of the prophets and fulfills the longing of the angels.” (CCC 719)

— We honor the birth of St. John the Baptist with the highest order of liturgical feast. As the Forerunner of the Savior, St. John prepared the way for Jesus, instructing his followers to turn and follow the “Lamb of God.”

*** *** *** Born in Ravenna to a family of nobility, St. Romuald (d. 1027) grew up in a lavish environment. Yet, a particular life experience would prompt his journey to monasticism. St. Romuald founded the Camaldolese Order; a combination of hermit life and an austere form of community. He helped to establish and reform many monasteries, reviving the practice of hermit life to allow for more solitude.

— from St. Romuald’s Brief Rule: “Sit in your cell as in paradise; put the whole world behind you and forget it; like a skilled angler on the lookout for a catch keep a careful eye on your thoughts. The path you follow is in the psalms — don’t leave it. If you’ve come with […]

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Missale Romanum, Chapel Edition (Latin) — Editio iuxta typicam tertiam emendatam (2008) — Durable faux leather cover; Smyth-sewn binding — Full-color illustrations, ribbon markers and tabs Please visit: www.theologicalforum.org (Livestream of the Ordinary Form in Latin at www.cantius.org)

*** *** *** Born in Nisibis, St. Ephrem (306– 373) was a deacon, poet, teacher, and defender of the faith. He is remembered for his hymns and biblical commentaries, many of which are still in existence. His works not only give praise and worship to God, but also teach about the Christian faith. Confronting the heresy of his time, St. Ephrem helped to spread Christianity in Syria, and is considered one of the most significant Church Fathers in the Syriac tradition.

— from St. Ephrem’s ‘Hymn to the Light’: “The Light of the just and joy of the upright is Christ Jesus our Lord. Begotten of the Father, He manifested himself to us. He came to rescue us from darkness and to fill us with the radiance of His light.”