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Advent 2023 ~ begins Sunday, December 3 (Pope Benedict XVI, Seek That Which Is Above, 1986)
Advent 2023 ~ begins Sunday, December 3 (Pope Benedict XVI, Seek That Which Is Above, 1986)
— St. Andrew was a disciple of St. John the Baptist before he became a follower of Christ, to whom he also brought his brother, St. Peter. According to tradition, St. Andrew was martyred on a saltire (X-shaped cross), which is often depicted in classical art.
— We celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe on the last Sunday of the liturgical year.
We wish you and family a Blessed Thanksgiving! – from all of us at Midwest Theological Forum
— Tradition holds that the Blessed Virgin Mary, as a child, was presented by her parents into the Temple. This feast commemorates the total gift that Mary made of herself: total dedication to God’s service and obedience to God’s will. In the Eastern Orthodox Church it’s known as The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos […]
— Born into Hungarian nobility, St. Elizabeth (1207-1231) is remembered for her charitable works and tireless devotion in caring for the poor and the sick. After her husband’s death, she became one of the first Franciscan tertiaries of Germany. (art: “St. Elizabeth spinning wool for the poor” by Marianne Stokes)
— During St. Leo’s pontificate, the Council of Chalcedon (451) defined Jesus Christ as one divine Person having two natures (divine and human), combating the Monophysitism heresy. St. Leo had written his Epistola Dogmatica (the “Tome” of Leo) to Patriarch Flavian of Constantinople, which was read and assented to by the Council Fathers.
— The feast of the Lateran Basilica marks the dedication of the cathedral church of Rome by Pope Sylvester I. Its universal celebration is a sign of love for and union with the See of St. Peter. On the basilica, a Latin inscription reads, “the mother and mistress of all churches of Rome and the […]
* Includes the Daily Roman Missal, Altar Missal, Liturgia Horarum, and more! Please visit: www.theologicalforum.org/Category/127/
— On All Souls’ Day, we remember and pray for beloved family members and friends, and the faithful departed who may yet be waiting for the joy of heaven.